Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Shelly and the Ship

There once was a girl who lived alone in a small little shack on an island. Her name was Shelly. Shelly loved living alone because she had one tiny island all to herself, and she owns the island. She can't remember how she ended up on this island, but Shelly made a small shack out of scraps of palm and wood. She got wet sand and filled the cracks, the wet sand turned into a nice clay. Everyday Shelly would get up, take the scraps from last nights fire and put them in a big pot made out of sand clay, then fish for her three meals, crack a coconut open and get a quick drink in the small river that flows near the edge of the island. One day, when Shelly was carving out a better spear for fishing, she heard a rumble coming, then she heard flashes. A dark shadow came upon her.She has never heard this before! It wasn't a storm because she took a glance at the sky, and it was still azure blue. She looked straight ahead and saw a BIG boat coming. Terrified, she grabbed all of her stuff outside and ran inside her shack. Locked the doors, and closes the curtains. She peeped outside one. The boat stopped, and people started getting in rafts to come to her island! HER ISLAND! Can't they read the big signs that she put everywhere! It says SHELLY'S ISLAND! Running out, she started screaming at them!
" Shoo! Shoo! Go away! It's MY Island! Not yours! go somewhere else!" She spat at them.
The captain of the ship came and had a paper in his hand.
" Little girl, is this your island?" he looked at her with a smile.
" YES! It is my island! Go find your own island!" she shouted.
" Don't worry, we are just here to, look around!." He said winking at her
" Well I don't give you permission" Shelly cried, she looked at his name tag, it read JOE in capital letters.
" Suite yourself, you could  have  had tons of money and get rich, we could have mad a HUGE resort, but you throw a one in a lifetime offer! Let's go boys!" Joe walked away into a boat and he went back to his ship.
One Day.........

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